About Me

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I am a teacher in North Carolina. I love my job for many reasons, one of which is the ability to travel throughout the summer. Everything in my life is about education. As I travel the world, I want to share what I have learned with my students. I hope this blog inspires them to follow their dreams and love what they do. Special thanks to the Council Scholar Award committee and their affiliates for this opportunity. You have made a teacher's dream come true.

Monday, June 25, 2012


Here is my itinerary while in Europe.

Since I have a few days in between conferences, I had the opportunity to go on educational tours.  I hope to enhance professional development by learning about the culture of each country.

International Professional Development

The original proposal I made for the award was for the conference in Greece.  The committee asked me to extend my program with some pre- and post-conference activities.  Luckily, I found a conference in England the weekend before the one in Greece.  Seeing that it was an easy and affordable flight form England to Greece, I chose to add this to the itinerary.

I have heard that accepting one opportunity can open the door to many others.   Winning this award started a domino effect of professional development that, so far, has no end in sight.  The award automatically got me to Greece.  When asked to seek out further activities, I was able to to attend a second conference in England.  This conference required all delegates to write a paper and give a presentation.  I have since written my first professional paper entitled "The Impact of Technology on Creativity."  A draft is under "Presentations" on the right hand side of this blog.

Winning the award gave me the opportunity to go to Greece, which also allowed me to go to England, which allowed me to write and present a paper.

I am so grateful to the World Affairs Council of Charlotte and all those who support the Council Scholar Award for all of these amazing opportunites for professional development.